The campaign made for people

UDIA Queensland

As Queensland’s premier network of property developers, the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) is committed to shaping world-class spaces within our state. In recent years, misconceptions about the sector have come to shape public perception. To bring the real story of Queensland development into focus, we worked with UDIA to create Made for People — a campaign, brand, and platform.

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Shifting the paradigm

In collaboration with market research firm Two Thirds Sky, UDIA explored public attitudes toward development and property developers in Queensland. This research unveiled a transformative insight: many people held the preconceived notion that property developers are responsible for population growth. Understanding that developers aren’t responsible for growth, but play a vital role in helping communities positively navigate it — was a powerful revelation.

Guided by this insight and the various audience truths unearthed through the research, we were challenged to engage state-wide residents in the real story of Queensland development and bring a voice to a group that has historically found it difficult to speak up.

Built to endure

In the ongoing discussions about development, a key point is often overlooked: every project is built for people. Whether it’s a single building or an entire neighbourhood, its core reason for existence is to serve people. This idea comes alive in the Made for People brand identity. Our design language balances technical precision with human-centric elements; a mix of architectural accuracy and the real, everyday experiences; a bold blue colour palette offset by earthy tones.

Narrating reality

The brand video spotlights property development’s role in propelling progress, nurturing growth, and championing sustainability. Embracing the duality of humanity and craft, a captivating story emerges — the story of spaces and places that are made for people.

The bespoke website

In crafting the Made for People website, we aimed to transcend the conventional boundaries of government-led community initiatives and developer-centric campaigns. Merging architectural elegance with user-focused design, we created a bespoke platform that encourages exploration. The resulting website is a hub that educates and engages, amplifying the campaign’s mission to put people at the heart of Queensland’s development narrative.

  • Industry

    Urban development

  • Partners

    Two Thirds Sky
    Cieran Murphy Photography

  • Services

    Visual identity
    Brand messaging
    Campaign development
    Social media content
    Digital strategy
    User interface (UI)
    User experience (UX)
    Website development
    Video production
    Motion design

We’ve been overwhelmed by the response from our members and stakeholders and we’re really looking forward to continuing to share our members’ stories, which are ones of passion, innovation, and enduring endeavours to make people’s lives and communities better.

Kirsty Chessher-Brown | CEO, UDIA Queensland

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